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HS2 is not needed

Improvements to the routes to Birmingham have meant faster times now serving local communities now. HS2 does not serve local communities only London and Birmingham. HS2 Routes to the North will again not serve local communities and not be implemented for 20 or 30 years.
Have a try with Magnetic Levitation UK Ultraspeed has said it could build trial Lengths now with Government Authorisation but not money. They could indeed provide a service to all the HS2 stations at half the cost the journeys would be much faster 500KPH rather than 300KPH, much quieter very quiet at 200KPH through urban areas, much more environmentally friendly as they acelerate and brake much more quickly and are capable of climbing much steeper gradients. A Trial route could be built between Leeds, Manchester and Liverpool now dispending with the necessity for a Y route from Birmingham in 20 time. MAGLEV is 21st century technology operating successfully in Shanghai and proposed in Japan we don't want to go back to 19th century technology with all its ongoing maintenance issues and costs.
HS2 has no Business case, is environmentally disastrous and there is no money to pay for it.


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