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Response to I am so glad posted on Tue, 2011-08-09 22:42

I don't really like to get involved in these debates but I had to respond to this!!

Due to the recent changes in the benefits system do you not think that some single parents may well be at WORK not drunk in the pub!!!

Have you ever even tried to get childcare for secondary school aged children???
People think you are crazy when you insist that teenagers still need adult supervision but then when there is trouble everyone want's to blame the parents!!!

Unless you yourself have been in a certain situation you cannot fairly comment on it!

It is a combination of different aspects within society that is to blame!!!

There should be support in the prevention of things but instead support is only given when things go wrong!!!

Everyone has different circumstances so you cannot just make assumptions!!

Some may not choose to be in a certain situation but don't have a choice!!!

Following recent events the questions that run through my mind:

Shall I go back to work?
Shall I stay at home so I can take care of my children properly?

I want to do both but there is only so much that one person can do!!!


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