West End Extra
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West End Extra - by CLAIRE WEBB
Published: 13 February 2009
The Map Room
The Map Room
Looking for that spectral someone

WHILE many of us will be searching for love and perhaps a special someone to cosy up with on Valentine’s Day, the hearts of a few Londoners are pining for an evening with a more unearthly quality.
Instead of dinner and a film, participants in the London Paranormal Society’s (LPS) inaugural Valentine’s Ghost Watch will gather at the
Cabinet War Rooms at witching hour to try and get a step closer to whatever ghouls and ghosts may still haunt its walls.
Just around the corner from the House of Commons, the War Rooms historically offered shelter for government and military strategists during the Second World War.
But does it offer shelter for those of a more ghostly nature? Reports of unexplained military boot prints on newly waxed floors, sudden cold spots and phantom cigarette smoke, along with other mysterious sightings, are commonplace among staff.
Now, for the first time, people will get the chance to investigate whether or not paranormal activity really exists in this historic location.
Will this ghost hunting group of about 20 people encounter the spirit of Churchill himself? Or that of any other of the many souls that walked those dark corridors during the war years?
The only certainty, says Ian Shillito, who runs the ghost watch, is that they “never know what they are going to find”.
“If the residual ghost exists then surely this location houses many suitable contenders,” he said. “We at LPS feel that a vast majority of ghost sightings and spooky feelings relate to the release of residual energy.
“It is suggested that emotion can be absorbed into the very fabric of buildings.”
This ghost watch is the first opportunity that guests have had to walk round the museum at night.
So what exactly are they hoping to find? Does the extreme emotion from those traumatic war years exude from the ether of the building at night?
Mr Shillito can’t be sure. But it may prove to be very different from what most of us are hoping to find this Saturday night.

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