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West End Extra - by JAMIE WELHAM
Published: 23 January 2009

Protesters call on City Hall to drop ‘stealth tax’ on motorcyclists

CONTROVERSIAL new parking charges for motorcyclists have raked in more than £2million for Westminster Council in less than six months, sparking outrage among bikers who say they are being exploited to make money for the council.
The cash raised is supposed to go back into making life easier for motorcyclists on the borough’s streets but the only obvious spending to help them – introducing new bays for bikes – cost just £302,000.
City Hall is now under pressure to explain where the rest of the money will go.
It is faced with a massive campaign against the charges with motorbike users deluging the West End Extra offices this week with letters of protests and curt messages to councillors, urging them to halt the fees.
The daily £1.50 charges and annual £150 permit were rolled out in August.
In some cases it is now cheaper for some residents to park their cars, even though they bikes take up less space and in most cases are less harmful to the environment.
The council is adamant the charges are not to be used as a cash cow, saying the surplus revenue will be ploughed back into transport projects.
Officials say the measure is needed to meet an increased demand for motorbike parking following the introduction of the congestion charge from which riders are already exempt.
Figures obtained by opposition councillors confirm the council has collected £2,272,000 in income since the scheme was introduced. This contrasts with the cost of providing an extra 2,000 bays to meet the reported 40 per cent surge in ­riders over the past 10 years, which was billed at £302,000.
While the national body representing motorcyclists, the British Motorcyclists Federation, have begrudgingly accepted the measure, on the streets it is a different story, with the launch of a rebel campaign group: No To The Bike Parking Tax.
Paul Gibbs, a member of the group, said: “The council claim that motorcycle use has risen in the last few years bringing them extra expense in providing parking bays.
“As a long-time user of these bays I can testify to the fact that in recent years we have seen many bays disappear only to be brought back with the new charges attached. This is discrimination against motorcycles and scooters and a stealth tax by the Tory council.”
The group’s grievances are echoed by opposition Labour leaders.
Councillor Paul Dimoldenberg said: “The costs of providing the extra motorbike parking bays has been well and truly paid for by motorbike owners – seven times over. All the extra income is simply an extra Conservative tax on motorbike owners and is totally unjustified.”
He added: “There is a massive campaign against the Conservative motorbike tax from Westminster residents and from motorbike commuters into Westminster living right across London. This campaign is growing ­daily and it will not go away.”
Kevin Goad, assistant director of parking at the council, said: “Councils are not allowed by law to make a profit from parking revenue. Every penny of surplus income must, and does, get ploughed back into improving transport across the city. The costs associated with taking away car parking bays to create additional space for 2,000 motorbikes is just one of the many examples of this investment.”
He added: “Westminster’s central location and already congested roads means it has borne the brunt of an unprecedented surge in demand, therefore it is only fair that motorcyclists make a small contribution to improving transport across the city. Under the current scheme it costs a maximum of £1.50 for motorcyclists to park in any motorcycle bay anywhere in the city all day, a tiny fraction of the cost to park a car in Westminster for the same period, and represents excellent value for money.”
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Your Comments:

WHAT a stunningly well written story, albeit about a scam that makes Fagin and Scrooge look like jolly nice decent chaps. What I want to know though is whether this a report on a random blip of madness from a Conservative councillor who has lost the plot, or an indication of the way the Conservatives will set about the development of new transport related cash cows as the way to go when they take over number 10 Downing Street, which up to now I had hoped they would.
Col. G.

A CAR parking space can be converted for a few pounds to provide six bike spaces by simply painting a sign on the road.
The staggering £302,000 Westminster expended went towards expensive I.T. consultants converting the phone software infrastructure to extract 'payments by phone' from bikers. Yet more went on public relations expenses to grease its introduction.
The Mayors recent change of legislation to allow bikes and scooters to use the bus lanes was inspired and potentially life saving.
Why is Westminster travelling in the opposite direction when its own party's policy document 'A FAIR DEAL FOR MOTORCYCLISTS' promises "we will support local authorities who provide more free on-street and off-street parking for motorcycles and mopeds."?
Westminster councillors mistakenly assume that the increase in two-wheel traffic is entirely commuter based.
There has always been a massive freelance economy in London that exploits powered two wheelers because public transport is too slow. It now has to pay for a days parking regardless if the stop in Westminster was only for half an hour.
What will they do when you have successfully deterred powered two wheelers from the city and need another source of income?What’s next? Charging cyclists for “safe” bike racks?
J. Cameron


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