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Published: 6 July 2007
Children not welcome at the pool

• ON June 26 at 7pm I took my two daughters (aged 9 and 12) to our local swimming pool for a quick swim. We live in Holborn and the Oasis is our nearest pool. I’ve lived as a council tenant in the area since having children, and we have used the pool regularly since my daughters were just months old.
Over the years, I’ve got used to feeling unwelcome when going there accompanied by children. Other users seem to think that the pool is not for children but just for ‘serious’, adult-lane swimmers.
At virtually every visit a conversation ensues with the person on the desk or a lifeguard about whether or not my children can swim (they can) and why can we not attend at a different hour. I work full time and it is simply not possible for me to bring my children in the afternoon or early evening.
However, I’ve persevered and accepted that the lifeguards are doing their job and choose to just ignore the disparaging looks of other users.
Yet on Tuesday I was told that children are no longer allowed to attend the pool after 6.30pm. I was incensed, since this effectively prevents me from taking my children swimming except at weekends. Must I become unemployed to take advantage of my local facilities?
It is true that the Oasis does seem to cater more to local workers and students than to families and residents, but I would argue that this is the result of its unfriendly family policies rather than lack of demand.
Parents are constantly being criticised for not encouraging their children to take more exercise, yet how am I as a working parent and a local resident supposed to do anything when my local pool will not allow my children entry after 6.30pm?
On this particular occasion, a discussion ensued with the manager of the Oasis, who allowed us in to swim “this one time”.
He explained that this was a directive he had no choice but to follow, and that the evenings were reserved for lane swimming, despite the fact that this is what my children and I do every time we go.
I intend to complain to my local councillor and Camden Council since I cannot accept this ridiculous directive.
Meanwhile, I will keep attending the pool at hours convenient to myself and see what happens.
Holborn, WC1

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