Books: Event - “Shelved! The threat to our libraries and how we can save it”, June 16 at Heath Library

Published: 10 June, 2010

THEY have rebranded librarians information officers, installed self-service machines giving them the air of a supermarket, and based the model of what the future holds on Virgin Megastores – but the fight to keep what’s good in Camden libraries is far from over as users  oppose changes they don’t want. On Wednesday, Guardian journalist and dedicated bibliophile Rachel Cooke is the guest at Heath Library – and intends to lay out a manifesto for how library users can fight to save what’s great about libraries and stop the unpopular  march of “modernisation”.

• “Shelved! The threat to our libraries and how we can save it”, is on June 16 at Heath Library, Keats Grove, NW3, hosted by the Friends of Heath Library. Doors open at 7.30pm 



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