Camden Square Play centre set to rise from ashes

The fire-damaged shed

Published: 18 August 2011

MANAGERS at a Camden Town play centre say they have quickly bounced back from a fire that ruined children’s toys stored in a shed.
Investigators say the blaze at the Camden Square Play Centre in the early hours of last Thursday is not connected to the recent rioting.
After being alerted by neighbours, firefighters spent 40 minutes at the scene putting out the fire in the shed.
Ward councillor Angela Mason, who lives in Camden Square, said: “It’s not as serious as it could have been but it is a matter of great concern. This is so well used and valued in this area. 
“A lot of the kids’ little bikes and gardening equipment was burned. It was just the shed that was burned down.”
Jason Grieves, manager at the play centre, said: “We’re filling out an insurance claim for the stuff in the shed that was damaged, like tricycles, scooters and gardening tools. The shed itself should be able to be repaired. 
“There were a few people, local residents from the community, that came forward and really kindly offered to pay. But because the stuff will mostly be covered by insurance, we would never expect our residents to pay.”


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