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Education Feature: Capel Manor College - It’s all about the outdoors – can you dig it?

Published: 25 August, 2011

A COLLEGE’S greatest asset is its students. At Capel Manor College, London’s only college for green skills, we don’t just have expert tutors and beautiful surroundings, we’ve a passion for encouraging students of all ages to reach their full potential.

In return, our students are our ambassadors, winning plaudits from the industry, and awards at major competitions such as the RHS flower shows.

At a recent awards ceremony to mark the end of the year, our guest speaker, the social entrepreneur and former apprentice Andrew Mawson OBE applauded Matthew Stevenson, a horticulture student and Kew Gardens volunteer.

Matthew, who won an Institute of Horticulture internship, was thanked for his work on the college’s volunteering scheme, Team Capel.

He said: “I’m honoured to stand up here. Thanks very much on behalf of all the students. All the staff here, the whole lot of you, are fantastic. Magical things happen in this place.”

Madeline Hall, chief executive, said: “Matthew has been the best ambassador the college could ask for. His cheery, helpful and humorous approach to life has endeared him to students, staff and visitors.”  

Capel Manor teaches courses in ­horticulture and floristry, animal care, saddlery, countryside management, tree surgery and garden design – anything to do with the great outdoors.

If you are interested, you can meet our tutors at one of our advice sessions this September. Sessions will be held from 5.30-8pm in Enfield on Thursday, September 1; Gunnersbury Park Thursday, September 1; and Crystal Palace Park Monday, September 5.


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